Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Some guidance for those who will be giving talks on Stream nights...

1. KEEP TO TIME - your talk should be no more than 12mins (if you get to 15 we will have to interrupt and ask you to stop).
2. DON'T 'PERFORM' - we're not looking a 'performance', our concern is how you handle the passage not that you ooze 'Barak Obama-esque' oratorical skills. So relax and be yourself.
3. EXHAUSTIVE CAN BE EXHAUSTING: it's a 10-12min talk! - not a comprehensive analysis of everything that could be said (we understand that). So focus on the main point in what you say.

1. Did the speaker get the main point of the passage? Did they make that the main point of their talk?
2. Could I as a listener follow what they were saying - did it make sense?
3. What it obvious that what they were saying was from their passage?
4. Were their illustrations (if any) helpful or confusing in understanding the passage.
5. Did they appropriately communicate the tone of the passage (e.g. were they chiding when the author's tone was conciliatory, or vice-versa)?
6. Did they apply it - i.e. did they give an example of the relevance of the passage for me today?

REMEMBER - we're all in this together & there is no such thing as the 'perfect sermon' - this is simply a chance for us to learn and encourage each other in this important ministry.

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